Sunday, March 8, 2009

Just Around the Corner

I don't think it is going to be too much longer and Shawn will be here. Today I had more energy to expend going grocery shopping and cleaning the house...heck I even sold a piece of our furniture today to a lady on Craigs List. Apparently all this renewed energy and excitement is what they call "Nesting" Syndrome. I do believe that is what I'm going through right now. Also, Shawn has already dropped so could be any day now. I am only 2 days away from being 38 weeks! My MVP is acting up a little bit I guess because I am nearing the finish line...and all this extra energy is kicking up my anxiety levels as well.

I had my first dream where I actually "saw" Shawn (dream Shawn that is) least what my brain is perceiving he will look like. He mostly looked like a good mixture of Mo and I, but admittedly, he did look a little more like Mo. I can't wait to see him for real!

Well, I know this was short but I do need to try to sleep even with all this extra energy. All I can say is if I all of the sudden stop blogging for a few days to a week then Shawn is here!


  1. I'll blog for ya. I'll be telling everybody about MLM (my little man). Can't wait to meet him.

  2. Don't wish this 'dreaming time' away too quickly. THey're much easier to look after inside than outside :-)

  3. It's been so crazy around here lately that I haven't read many blogs at all! I know you are SO excited about Shawn getting here!! (Your mom, too.) Today is my (step)grandson's first birthday. It is SO hard to believe it has been a year. Enjoy these few days because your little baby will be a big boy before you know it.

    My older (step)daughter's sister-in-law had her twins at Brookwood in Dec. (They were the mono-mono twins, if you heard anything about them.) Dana has NOTHING but wonderful things to say about everyone there. Of course, they had to depend on the NICU staff until the babies came home. Prayers that Shawn will NOT be needing those services.

    Sorry to see you've been so sick. Hope it's all better now. I went to the doc a couple of weeks ago for crud and she said that the 3-day bug was pretty rampant.

    Take care!!!!! {Hugs} to you and Shawn.
